Implements interfaces: tubes.itube.IDrain

An _OutDrain is the single IDrain associated with an Out.

Method __init__ Construct an _OutDrain with a collection of founts, an input type and an output type.
Method inputType Implement the inputType property by relaying it to the input type of the drains.
Method flowingFrom The Out associated with this _OutDrain is now receiving inputs from the given fount.
Method receive Deliver an item to each IDrain attached to the Out via Out().newFount().flowTo(...).
Method flowStopped Deliver an item to each IDrain attached to the Out via Out().newFount().flowTo(...).
def __init__(self, founts):

Construct an _OutDrain with a collection of founts, an input type and an output type.

Parametersfountsthe founts whose drains we should flow to. (type: list of IFount)
def inputType(self):

Implement the inputType property by relaying it to the input type of the drains.

def flowingFrom(self, fount):

The Out associated with this _OutDrain is now receiving inputs from the given fount.

Parametersfountthe new source of input for all drains attached to this Out.
ReturnsNone, as this is a terminal drain.
def receive(self, item):

Deliver an item to each IDrain attached to the Out via Out().newFount().flowTo(...).

Parametersitemany object
def flowStopped(self, reason):

Deliver an item to each IDrain attached to the Out via Out().newFount().flowTo(...).

Parametersreasonthe reason that the flow stopped.
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.