Multiple parties may be interested in suppressing some ongoing concurrent activity, each for their own purposes.

A Pauser maintains the state associated with each of these independent pauses, providing an object for each one, making it straightforward for you to implement a high-level pause and resume API suitable for use from multiple clients, in terms of low-level state change operations.

Method __init__
Method pause Pause something, getting an IPause provider which can be used to unpause it.
def __init__(self, actuallyPause, actuallyResume):
ParametersactuallyPausea callable to be invoked when the underlying system ought to transition from paused to unpaused. (type: 0-argument callable)
actuallyResumea callable to be invoked when the underlying system ought to transition from unpaused to paused.
def pause(self):

Pause something, getting an IPause provider which can be used to unpause it.

Returnsa pause which will invoke the actuallyResume callback if it's the last one to be unpaused. (type: IPause)
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.