Toolkit to alleviate some of the duplication in constructing your own IFount and IDrain implementations.

Class Pauser Multiple parties may be interested in suppressing some ongoing concurrent activity, each for their own purposes.
Function beginFlowingTo To correctly implement fount.flowTo you need to do certain things; do those things here.
Function beginFlowingFrom To correctly implement drain.flowingFrom you need to do certian things; do those things here.
Class NoPause A null implementation of IPause that does nothing.
Class OncePause Pause a pauser once, unpause it if necessary.
Class _Pause Implementation of IPause for Pauser.
def beginFlowingTo(fount, drain):

To correctly implement fount.flowTo you need to do certain things; do those things here.

ParametersfountThe fount implementing flowTo.
drainThe drain flowTo was called with.
Returnsthe next fount in the chain.
def beginFlowingFrom(drain, fount):

To correctly implement drain.flowingFrom you need to do certian things; do those things here.

ParametersdrainThe drain implementing flowingFrom.
fountThe fount flowingFrom was called with.
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.