A drain with multiple founts that consumes Routed(IX) from its input and produces IX to its outputs.

Instance Variable drain The input to this Router. (type: IDrain)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method newRoute Create a new route.
Instance Variable _out A fan-out that consumes Routed(X) and produces X. (type: Out)
_out =
A fan-out that consumes Routed(X) and produces X. (type: Out)
drain =
The input to this Router. (type: IDrain)
def __init__(self, outputType=None):
def newRoute(self, name=None):

Create a new route.

A route has two uses; first, it is an IFount that you can flow to a drain.

Second, it is the "where" parameter passed to to. Each value sent to Router.drain should be a to constructed with a value returned from this method as the "where" parameter.

ParametersnameGive the route a name for debugging purposes. (type: native str)
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.