A Diverter is a drain which maintains a buffer of items not yet received by its IDivertable down-stream drain.

Method __init__ Create a Diverter.
Method __repr__ Nice string representation for this Diverter which mentions what it is diverting.
Method divert Divert the flow from the fount which is flowing into this diverter to instead flow into the given drain, reassembling any buffered output from this siphon's tube first.
def __init__(self, divertable):

Create a Diverter.

ParametersdivertableDivert a divertable. (type: IDivertable provider)
def __repr__(self):

Nice string representation for this Diverter which mentions what it is diverting.

def divert(self, drain):

Divert the flow from the fount which is flowing into this diverter to instead flow into the given drain, reassembling any buffered output from this siphon's tube first.

ParametersdrainThe drain to divert the flow to. (type: IDrain)
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.