A queue of pending values which can be suspended and resumed, for representing values pending delivery for a _Siphon.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method suspend SiphonPendingValues.popPendingValue should return suspended.
Method resume SiphonPendingValues.popPendingValue
Method prepend Add the given iterator to the beginning of the queue.
Method append Add the given iterator to the end of the queue.
Method clear Clear the entire queue.
Method popPendingValue Get the next value in the leftmost iterator in the deque.
Instance Variable _deque a deque containing iterators containing queued values.
Instance Variable _suspended Is this SiphonPendingValues currently suspended?
_deque =
a deque containing iterators containing queued values.
_suspended =
Is this SiphonPendingValues currently suspended?
def __init__(self):
def suspend(self):
def prepend(self, iterator):

Add the given iterator to the beginning of the queue.

Parametersiteratoran iterator of values to deliver via popPendingValue.
def append(self, iterator):

Add the given iterator to the end of the queue.

Parametersiteratoran iterator of values to deliver via popPendingValue.
def clear(self):

Clear the entire queue.

def popPendingValue(self, evenIfSuspended=False):

Get the next value in the leftmost iterator in the deque.

ParametersevenIfSuspendedreturn the next pending value regardless of whether this SiphonPendingValues is suspended or not. (type: bool)
ReturnsThe next value yielded by the first iterator in the queue, suspended if this SiphonPendingValues is suspended and evenIfSuspended was not passed, or finished if the queue is empty.
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.