Implements interfaces: tubes.itube.IDivertable

Convert segments into frames by parsing them.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method received Some data was received on the wire.
Method reassemble Take the given sequence of frames, previously emitted by this _SegmentsToFrames, combine it with any un-parsed data still in the input buffer, and return a list of segments.
def __init__(self, stringReceiver, receivedMethodName='stringReceived'):
def received(self, string):

Some data was received on the wire.

Parametersstringa segment, to be parsed into frames.
Returnsan iterable of frames.
def reassemble(self, datas):

Take the given sequence of frames, previously emitted by this _SegmentsToFrames, combine it with any un-parsed data still in the input buffer, and return a list of segments.

Parametersdataslist of bytes representing frames.
Returnslist of bytes representing segments.
API Documentation for tubes, generated by pydoctor at 2016-01-18 07:46:47.